In Exercise 5, it was the task a 3D model of the selected course in Exercise 4, the Mainz goal to create. Using the graphics program sketch up, the card base and the rectified facade images from Exercise 4 was to achieve this. First you had to insert the card base, which was necessary for a realtitätsgetreue layout of the course:

was then modeled the buildings in sketch up proportionally fair. Thus, we calculated each floor 3 feet building height. In addition, satellite images from Google Earth have been helpful to be able to carry out the design of the roof forms possible detail:

Then it was our job, the equalized cladding Exercise 4 to arrange for the modeled buildings. In addition, trees, fountains and other components added to make it appear more realistic:
gradually gave way, a realistic model of the Mainz gate:

Finally, we should design a poster and layout, which consisted of screenshots of the 3D city model and original images of the place. A comparison should between reality and the model are possible:

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