object of the first exercise was to define in Google Earth on the price of land surfaces with polygons. First, we should collect the land values, then viualisieren, evaluate and analyze at the end. We chose the two villages and West Lingenfeld home belonging to the district of Germersheim and the municipality Lingenfeld. The data on land prices is ehält by the land values information system RLP, short Boris mentioned:

This information was then visualized in the program Google Earth using the polygon tools:

Lingenfeld and Westheimer polygonised:

Then followed the analysis of individual land prices. First of all values were recorded in an original list. This original list was the basis for the to be created stem-leaf plot:

The next step involved the determination of mode, median, mean, minimum, maximum, and the span of the outlier. Moreover, a suitable bar chart can be created:

Finally, we have divided the various statistical concepts in location parameters and dispersion parameters and our results were determined in the form of a presentation. These can be downloaded here
Team: Mathias
Hertz (366 646)
Luke Plunkett (367 316)
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