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Today I mounted the drive train is complete and the belt tension. Then the engines internally parallel and then both clamped in series. Also, the DC / DC converter max. 370V -> 13.5 V including the 12V motorcycle battery I have for testing, once clamped, so once again all about. Only the straps were very loud. Then I have a bit, it got better. The next step is now all installed in the car.
Today I used the filter in the pickled powertrain housing and all started together again. By the way nor the fan housing of the motors and the door handles painted matt black:
the last weekends were used to slowly return to start assembling &. # 160; Some things were new to me ordered Including seals for doors, lights and headlights, new glasses, since rockfall After the arrival of the matters further, "composite" is also a saddler... has an overview, so that the upholstery and carpets can be manufactured. The dashboard had something to be addressed by me.
Moin Moin everyone,
the idea to build an electric car or convert a used car to electric drive, matured with me for years. See also The first entry in my blog. In creating a blog was because of the conversion with me probably longer than the normal one to two years. The reason is that I do not very much free time or I leave and I would have at the end of a perfect result and not just a commodity. Since, however, had got about the project among friends and acquaintances as well as business partners, and attracted great interest, I use the blog to publicly report on the progress, instead of answering each of his questions. After
were made during the summer about 150 calls, the end of 2010 there were already over 750 per month. Additionally, I still write the odd e-mail to interested parties. This is of course also due to that now to see more, and I try to maintain the real time blog and feed. But at this point thank you for your interest and best regards also to the read along Foreign countries like U.S., Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Latvia, Spain, etc. etc. When I
2006, the first time I dealt intensively with the subject, I only knew a successful transformation from the Internet. This However, used lead acid batteries. There are now tens of lunatics in Germany and around the try or have already done. Keep it up, I also like to rummage through your blog, but I have unfortunately not the time I participate in comments / discussions in size.
I also see many cars that are used for reconstruction, which I also first on the docket and to some extent a test ride and measured was how BMW Z3, following golf cars I had on the docket. De Lorean (motto would be for a conversion "back to the future" ;-)), Pontiac Firebird, Ford Mustang, first Benz S-Class. But I should present myself primarily to the electric drive and would not care about the restoration and replacement parts no problem, I've decided to buy a Porsche 911 (fully galvanized, etc.). & # 160; What good are the expensive electrical components and all the work when the car breaks down one after 2 years.
The reasons for such a project are indeed complex. For me as an engineer It is mainly the interest in the technology and its independence from the energy companies. Most probably it has mainly ecological viewpoints. I think we should not indulge in the illusion that things are not what of fossil fuels is available also to the last liter of oil obtained from oil sands also be incinerated at an ever-increasing world population, all want to live in prosperity and mobile -. who would ban them this - we can make in the developed high-tech countries, only something for the environment by providing new competitive energy sources . Open up even if we were told in school 30 years ago that the oil reaches only 50 years, only one is correct: it is becoming scarcer and more expensive to promote and produce and therefore more expensive . Renewable energy does indeed now have something in the energy mix, but it will never reach 100% at an ever increasing demand (rising world population, increasing wealth) So to all researchers of nuclear fusion. haut in!
What next for me. I hope that I have until the spring of the first test run behind me and will completed in the summer. Let's see what else everything in between is
;-) Regards ...
After the belt housing has been completed, we installed the pulleys and motors. After everything was fitted by means of lift and forklifts, we have the motors and aluminum parts dismantled and the case comes only once in the pickling bath. For the attachment to the body, only the existing four rubber pads used on the even of the Boxer engine and transmission were mounted earlier.