Monday, July 21, 2008

Can I Take Adderall And Provigil At The Same Time

Statistics - Exercise 01 SS 08

object of the first exercise was to define in Google Earth on the price of land surfaces with polygons. First, we should collect the land values, then viualisieren, evaluate and analyze at the end. We chose the two villages and West Lingenfeld home belonging to the district of Germersheim and the municipality Lingenfeld. The data on land prices is ehält by the land values information system RLP, short Boris mentioned:

This information was then visualized in the program Google Earth using the polygon tools:

The resulting Polygons should be stored in the KMZ format. All polygons are file is downloaded here

Lingenfeld and Westheimer polygonised:

Then followed the analysis of individual land prices. First of all values were recorded in an original list. This original list was the basis for the to be created stem-leaf plot:

The next step involved the determination of mode, median, mean, minimum, maximum, and the span of the outlier. Moreover, a suitable bar chart can be created:
Finally, we have divided the various statistical concepts in location parameters and dispersion parameters and our results were determined in the form of a presentation. These can be downloaded here

Team: Mathias
Hertz (366 646)
Luke Plunkett (367 316)

Monday, June 30, 2008

�sony Network Camera Snc-m1?

In the sixth exercise, it was our job to digitilasieren a topographic map. Based on the topographical map 25, Spring 6512, several buildings of the University of Kaiserslautern as possible be located precisely. The file "TU_Kaiserslautern.shp" was used. In addition, the building numbers and subject areas covered and appear. Finally, buildings should be classified into groups according to subject areas. Each group was then assigned a color.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Complete Liver Failure

task of the fifth exercise was to create a Quantum GIS project. This should be created with the help of the mapset "Natura 2000". Basis of Exercise w aren the vector layer of districts, Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation in Rhineland-Palatinate. First, the three vector layers inserted in order to edit these using the mapset. The next step was to create a new layer of the districts to Bernkastel-Wittlich and include Birkenfeld, on the layer Grudlage LK_RLP. Then again, a new layer can be generated, this time depicting the bird sanctuaries, which are affected by both districts. Were the basis for Layer VSG_RLP and LK_BIR_WIL. The next layer, the FFH-areas that are affected by both counties n map. This was based on the Layer FFH_RLP and LK_BIR WIL . In the last step, both the FFH areas, bird sanctuaries and the subdivisions of bird sanctuaries Habitats and are areas that are placed in the two districts on a new layer. This was based on the layer and FFH_BIR_WIL VSG_BIR_WIL.

delivery format was a clearly labeled CD in Jewelcase booklet included. The entire folder "spatial" stands for free download available.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cruise Theme Name Badges

In the third exercise, we should again Quantum GIS project . Create As a card base again the topographic map was used 100 of the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate. In this we should be a natural spatial structure. Here, natural spatial units of different levels are defined.
were first placed the main unit groups on the topographic map and classified by name. The uniform representation here has a transparency of 70%. The layer is shown at a scale of> 1:1,000,000. The main units are displayed on a scale of 1:500,000 to 1:1,000,000, which are also classified by name and the transparency of the surfaces of this layer is 60%. In the next step of the layer is added to the subunits which only at a scale of < 1:500.000 dargestellt wird. Die Flächen dieses Layers haben eine Transparenz von 50% und werden wieder nach Namen klassifiziert. Abschließend wird noch der Layer Naturschutzgebiete hinzugefügt. In diesem Layer werden die Naturschutzgebiete nach deren jeweiligen Größe in drei gleich große Intervalle eingeordnet. Diese werden dann noch in "klein", "mittel" und "groß" umbenannt.

Topographic map 100 of Rheinland-Pfalz:

Haupteinheintengruppen scale> 1:1,000,000:
main units on a scale of 1:100,000 to 1:500,000:

subunits in the scale of < 1:500.000

Layer Naturschutzgbiete:

Friday, April 25, 2008

Colitis Flare Up With Remicade

In Exercise 2, it was about to gain experience with the program Quantum GIS. To create a small GIS project was based on the topographical map of Rheinland-Pfalz. Our task was to determine the boundaries of the districts, the Association of Municipalities and finally to color the local community. The line thickness should be at the districts 3, at 2 and the unitary councils in local communities first The next step, should the protected areas in green and surrounded with a line thickness of 3. In addition, they were also filled with a green diagonal hatching. Then, the local communities and protected areas are labeled according to their respective names. In this case I chose for the nature reserves font size 11 and for the local communities font size 10, so that one can find the section about the spatial extent of the Weilerbach community in a legible form. Finally, we should still burn
created the Quantum GIS file, as well as an image file of the map to Weilerbach on CD.
addition, the entire project folder by following the link available for free:
QuantumGIS Exercise 2

Topographic Map basis:

Rimmed Counties:

Rimmed counties and unitary councils:

Rimmed counties, unitary councils and local communities:

designation of the place names:

designation of protected areas:

Monday, April 21, 2008

Online Bangbros Watch

Creating a web blogs in is also no great Vorkennstnisse quite simple and understandable. How to get by simply posting quickly to a conclusion. Also the design of the blog should not be a difficulty.
Overall we can say then, that one at quite simply can publish his work. This is mainly due to the very clear and simple concept designed by

Thick White Discharge After Rephresh

In Exercise 5, it was the task a 3D model of the selected course in Exercise 4, the Mainz goal to create. Using the graphics program sketch up, the card base and the rectified facade images from Exercise 4 was to achieve this. First you had to insert the card base, which was necessary for a realtitätsgetreue layout of the course:

was then modeled the buildings in sketch up proportionally fair. Thus, we calculated each floor 3 feet building height. In addition, satellite images from Google Earth have been helpful to be able to carry out the design of the roof forms possible detail:

Then it was our job, the equalized cladding Exercise 4 to arrange for the modeled buildings. In addition, trees, fountains and other components added to make it appear more realistic:

gradually gave way, a realistic model of the Mainz gate:

Finally, we should design a poster and layout, which consisted of screenshots of the 3D city model and original images of the place. A comparison should between reality and the model are possible:

Where Can I Buy Corn Starch In The Uk

Exercise 4 was to create the basis for the pictures in Exercise 5 to create 3D models. This model should be a place in Kaiserslautern, we chose the Mainzer Tor. First, the necessary for the 3D model to be photographed facades, which were to be photographed as orthogonal, thus precipitating lines are avoided.

After all necessary facades were photographed, it was our duty to these images using the Adobe Photoshop equalize.

Finally, we should arrange the various facades of the respective maps of the square and select the photo site. Equalized addition to the images we should order the original images as well. The result was then plotted and a mockup to A0.

Northface With Jansport Type

The performance, which was to supply during the second exercise was the coloring and the layout given maps of (Urban planning models and structures
rkonzept the district train home). Particular attention should be paid to the proper arrangement of the plan head, north arrows and the two base maps and legends. It was also important to choose the right colors and font sizes.

plan basis 1: urban planning models, scale 1:5000

plan basis 2: Structural concept; scale 1:2500

should first be assigned to the different types of buildings in urban planning models of different colors, which Using Corel Draw to be drawn:

were then assigned to the building types of the structural approach also colors, and do Corel Draw on the plan. In addition, yet, as usual with a structural concept is given the floor numbers:

conclusion should still have both cards on a plan of A1 size mockup: