Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Certificate Of Rent Form Minnesota

- Changing the altitude via the spin buttons (up / down) on the flight
plan is now happening much more quickly, the annoying time-Leg is resolved
- For printing and print preview is now always uses the program's internal
function so that the gray background previously correctly
is removed. When you call on the Excel's own routines, this has not
some work.
- can now also the power setting table
be deposited in the aircraft parameters. This is then displayed as "cheat sheet" on the Company
Flight Plan, together with the speed.
- Is it better to have a slow, cheap two-seater or a
fast, expensive to book a 4-seater? And how does it look from when the
PAXs pay their seat share myself? The program now expects from a
quick price survey (only flight time, no fees, etc.). The calculation
sets can be stored in the aircraft log.


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